Myiopsitta monachus  Monk Parakeet
This is an introduced species, first breeding in the United States about 1969. Its native range extends from Bolivia and southern Brazil to central Argentina (mostly south of the tropics). Atlasers detected these palm-nesting granivores only in the New Orleans area. As of 1998, the Monk Parakeet had not been granted an official place on the Louisiana avifauna.

adult standing inside the nest (inset lower) photo Copyright © 1999 by Michael Seymour 
photo (upper) Copyright © 1999 by Bill Bergen 

Coccyzus americanus  Yellow-billed Cuckoo
The nesting of these birds often coincides with outbreaks of cicadas and tent caterpillars. These branch-nesting insectivores breed throughout the state in broad-leaved wooded areas. The Yellow-billed Cuckoo is on the Audubon WatchList for Louisiana.

painting by Louis Agassiz Fuertes 1914
female or male

Geococcyx californianus  Greater Roadrunner
These shrub-nesting carnivores breed throughout the Pine Region west of the Mississippi River. The easternmost record, in Franklin Parish, was from the Macon Ridge, a loess-capped terrace of glacial outwash that is surrounded by the otherwise low and flat Mississippi Alluvial Valley.

photo Copyright © 1999 by Dan Lane 
male or female