Accipiter striatus  Sharp-shinned Hawk
Atlasers found these tree-nesting, bird carnivores only twice, noting courtship display in April. Clifford E. Shackelford, Daniel Saenz, and Richard R. Schaefer reported in the Bulletin of Texas Ornithological Society (Vol. 29, pp. 23-25) a female at a nest in May 1995 in Bienville Parish (shown on the map) and a nest in Vernon Parish in May 1992 (prior to the Atlas). All records were from fairly mature (more than 30-year-old) pine forest.

painting by Louis Agassiz Fuertes 1914
male (female's cap is paler)

Accipiter cooperii  Cooper's Hawk
It is not clear from the Atlas records whether Cooper's Hawks prefer pine or broad-leaved forests. These tree-nesting carnivores are rare but regular and widespread breeders in the state.

painting by Louis Agassiz Fuertes 1914
male (female's cap is paler)

Buteo lineatus  Red-shouldered Hawk
These carnivores occur nearly everywhere there are broad-leaved or mixed (pine and hardwood) forests in the state. Red-shouldered Hawks nest high in large trees.

painting by Louis Agassiz Fuertes 1914
female or male