of Mitchell Lake Audubon Sanctuary near San Antonio Texas
Featuring landbirds recorded in 2006, including a Groove-billed Ani carrying a tune, a mother Lesser Nighthawk walking to its baby, several begging Barn Swallows, a large flock of Scissor-tailed Flycatchers, a dazzling Painted Bunting, and slow-motion versions of several clips (without sound).
46 sYellow-billed Cuckoo  tugging at leaves - but why?
13 sGroove-billed Ani  flying off branch with a big jump
22 sGroove-billed Ani  preening during a light rain
13 sLesser Nighthawk  mother walking up to shelter its baby
9 sMourning Dove  flying off a branch
17 sOsprey  flying low
11 sNorthern Harrier  immature flying from a short snag
7 sHarris's Hawk  adult flying from a snag
9 sBroad-winged Hawk  soaring in poor light
18 sRed-tailed Hawk  flying low - note the reddish underparts
11 sRed-tailed Hawk  immature unnerved by a Northern Mockingbird
23 sOlive-sided Flycatcher  flying off a snag and returning with a wasp
3 sLeast Flycatcher  flying off a branch
14 sVermilion Flycatcher  female flying from snag and returning
11 sAsh-throated Flycatcher  flying from a telephone wire
7 sBrown-crested Flycatcher  calling and flying from branches
23 sCouch's Kingbird  flying off branch after a dragonfly flies by
5 sScissor-tailed Flycatcher  adult flying from a branch
6 sScissor-tailed Flycatcher  fledgling flying from a perch
32 sBarn Swallow  fledglings begging adults for food
6 sBarn Swallow  feeding babies on their nest
30 sCliff Swallow  male and female perched together before flying
9 sYellow Warbler  female flying off a branch
4 sYellow-rumped Warbler  male flying right off a branch
3 sPyrrhuloxia  male flying from a branch
29 sPainted Bunting  adult male singing and fluffing its plumage
8 sBaltimore Oriole  adult male foraging in branches
14 sRed-winged Blackbird  male spreading its wings while singing
9 sNorthern Bobwhite  male and female walking
37 sNorthern Bobwhite  male and female walking
65 sYellow-billed Cuckoo  tugging at leaves - but why?
21 sGroove-billed Ani  flying off branch after calling
3 sGroove-billed Ani  jumping off branch after sitting in the rain
81 sGroove-billed Ani  preening during a light rain
11 sGroove-billed Ani  singing a rare series of coo's
30 sGroove-billed Ani  singing a rarely heard composition
75 sLesser Nighthawk  mother walking up to shelter its baby
40 sLesser Nighthawk  immature cooling itself - and listening to cicadas?
11 sMourning Dove  flying off a branch
18 sMourning Dove  adult preening to the right of immatures
19 sOsprey  flying low
17 sNorthern Harrier  immature flying from a short snag
6 sHarris's Hawk  adult flying from a snag
45 sRed-tailed Hawk  soaring low - note the reddish underparts
25 sRed-tailed Hawk  immature unnerved by a Northern Mockingbird
33 sCrested Caracara  adult soaring
53 sOlive-sided Flycatcher  flying off a snag and returning with a wasp
11 sLeast Flycatcher  flying off a branch
28 sVermilion Flycatcher  female flying from snag and returning
38 sBrown-crested Flycatcher  calling and flying from branches
40 sCouch's Kingbird  flying off branch after a dragonfly flies by
11 sWestern Kingbird  adult flying from a fence wire
25 sScissor-tailed Flycatcher  adult calling and flying from a branch
9 sScissor-tailed Flycatcher  fledgling flying from a perch
31 sScissor-tailed Flycatcher  subset of 110 birds between 6 telephone poles
8 sBell's Vireo  singing
22 sBell's Vireo  foraging
20 sNorthern Mockingbird  watching the videocamera
27 sCarolina Wren  scolding at the videocamera
39 sBarn Swallow  fledglings begging adults for food
15 sBarn Swallow  feeding babies on their nest
49 sCliff Swallow  male and female perched together before flying
44 sClay-colored Sparrow  adult looking around and changing perches
14 sYellow Warbler  female foraging
7 sYellow-rumped Warbler  male flying down from a branch
13 sYellow-rumped Warbler  male flying right off a branch
4 sPyrrhuloxia  male flying from a branch
48 sPainted Bunting  adult male singing and fluffing its plumage
19 sBaltimore Oriole  adult male foraging in branches
4 sBullock's Oriole  adult male scolding
20 sBullock's Oriole  adult male giving two calls
30 sBullock's Oriole  female foraging and preening
17 sOrchard Oriole  adult male perched in the wind
31 sYellow-headed Blackbird  adult male foraging among Red-winged Blackbirds
45 sRed-winged Blackbird  male singing while spreading its wings
13 sRed-winged Blackbird  female or immature male in a bush
©2006 by ManyBirds
