a Swainson's Hawk Buteo swainsoni
hunting while migrating with several others

High-definition (HDV), Enhanced-definition (DV), and low-resolution video clips

Swainson's Hawks migrate between North and South America in flocks.
We watch for them near tractors mowing hay (which flush rodents, insects, and birds).
The following clips show an adult hovering over a field at the Austin Water Utility
Hornsby Bend Biosolids Management Plant (Hornsby Bend for short).
picture not interpreted by browser
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+ TIPS for watching these video clips at a computer...
  •     High-speed Internet (such as DSL or Cable) is almost essential.
  •     Most players and browser plugins can play these MPEG-1 clips.
  •     Older pages at ManyBirds.com include other formats, along with other tips.
  •     The following tips assume your computer uses the original (default) media player.
+ Click on any video link from list below to begin...
  •     which causes your browser to pick a media player or a browser plug-in to play the clip.
  •     Notice whether a big "Q" appears (indicating QuickTime will play the clip),
  •     the Windows Media Player opens, or a message box (dialog) asks you to choose a separate player,
  •     such as the Windows Media Player or QuickTime. If asked, choose your preferred media player, and...
  •     wait 2-5 minutes. Try to monitor the download progress percentage or time bar (place varies by browser).
+ If you see a big "Q"...
  •     The big "Q" means your browser selected its QuickTime plug-in to play the clip.
  •     You should see a progress bar unless the video is too large for your display.
  •     When the bar finishes, you can double-click the picture to play the video or replay it.
  •     If you can't see the progress bar, just wait a few minutes before double-clicking the picture.
  •     Your keyboard's right and left arrow keys can advance single frames forward and back,
  •     The arrow keys won't function if the clip hasn't played at all.
  •     Even if your display is too small to see the scrollbar and its arrows,
  •     you can play the movie by double-clicking or by hitting the space bar,
  •     and you can advance single frames forward or back with the left and right arrow keys.
  •     If QuickTime player acts as a media player, separate from a browser...
  •     go to the View menu and choose Fit to Screen (or try the other options).
+ If QuickTime software opened its own window...
  •     you have more functionality than the QuickTime browser plug-in.
  •     From the View menu, you can choose Fit to Screen (or try the other options).
  •     The right and left arrow keys will advance single frames.
  •     This can also happen if you double-click on a saved file (see below).
+ If the Windows Media Player opens...
  •     High-definition clips may not be displayed at the full width & height,
  •     even if you choose Original Size from the View menu. Try dragging the window larger.
  •     The following instructions let you advance one frame at a time:
  •     Only Windows Media Player 9 and better has single-frame advance functionality.
  •     Click "View" in the toolbar > Enhancements or Settings > Show Enhancements or Settings > Play Speed Setting.
  •     The Back button may not function, especially on Macs.
  •     If you click the "step forward" icon, try pressing the enter key.
  •     For lots more tips, visit the WMP, Video, and MPEG sections in WMP mini FAQ.
  •     Some basic functionality, like frame advance, is answered near the bottom of that page.
+ To save clips, right-click (PC) or control-click (Mac) a video link...
  •     choose Save Link As or something similar, then set a destination for the file.
  •     Monitor the download progress percentage or time bar (place varies by computer).
  •     To play the file, just find it where you saved it, and double-click it.
+ To let QuickTime open clips on PCs for easy frame advance...
  •     (QuickTime is the default player on Macs and available for PCs.)
  •     look for the QuickTime Control Panel to see if QuickTime already installed:.
  •     The Control Panel can be accessed from the Start menu in Windows 2000, NT, XP.
  •     PC users can set the QuickTime Control Panel to set QuickTime to play MPEG clips.
  •     You can also modify your browser's Preferences to have QuickTime play MPEG clips.
  •     If the QuickTime Control Panel is absent, QuickTime is free from Apple.com .
  •     You can de-install iTunes after the QuickTime installation using the Install/Deinstall Control Panel.
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2 clips, several levels of resolution.  Seconds are playback durations (not download waits).  270p, 480p, 540p, 720p, and 1080p are lines of resolution.  MB (megabytes) is proportional to download waiting time.  The clips include camera settings and other information.
7 seconds270p0.5 MB Swainson's Hawk   hovering
7 seconds480p1.9 MB Swainson's Hawk   hovering
7 seconds720p3.4 MB Swainson's Hawk   hovering
7 seconds1080p7.6 MB Swainson's Hawk   hovering
25 seconds270p1.6 MB Swainson's Hawk   hovering, diving, and landing
25 seconds540p6.3 MB Swainson's Hawk   hovering, diving, and landing
25 seconds1080p11 MB Swainson's Hawk   hovering, diving, and landing

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©2008 Malcolm Mark Swan and ManyBirds